Search results for "rubber flooring roll"

Jiu Jitsu Safety Wall Pads & Foam Rolls- Ben Tallini Testimonial
Ben Tallini, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Coach, purchased safety wall pads and a foam roll underlayment to create a safe space for his students to protect from injuries during classes

What mat texture is best for judo?
Greatmats discusses the best mat texture for judo practice, training and competition. A tatami textured surface is preferred by some and others prefer a smooth surface.

Do You Need Special Flooring for a Fitness Room?
Greatmats discusses the types of flooring materials that work best as fitness room flooring.

Commercial Gym Flooring - Rubber Mats Rolls and Tiles
With more than 200 commercial gym flooring flooring systems, Greatmats is the place to start when matting your health or fitness club, weight room or aerobics studio.

Gym Flooring - Rubber and Foam - Pride Athletics Testimonial
Discover why this Kentucky athletic center chose Greatmats athletic flooring for its new fitness facility.

Professional Home Ballet Dance Flooring - Timmorie Freeman Testimonial
Professional ballet dancer Timmorie Freeman equips home dance studio with Greatmats marley and dance subflooring for online courses during COVID-19 distancing.

What is the Best Thickness for Garage Flooring
Material and use type are big determining factors for the proper thickness of garage floor tiles and surface flooring.

Are Garage Floor Tiles Any Good?
Are garage floor tiles any good? Yes - Garage flooring, whether plastic tiles or rubber mats, are an excellent choice for home garage flooring.

Half Axe Throwing Lanes Equipped with Greatmats Rubber for Safety
Axe throwing requires special flooring for safety. Half Axe in Marlborough, Mass., found the perfect axe throwing floor in rolled rubber from Greatmats.

What Are The Best Plastic Mats With Holes?
Greatmats identifies 6 popular plastic mats with holes in them for various indoor or outdoor purposes.

The Best Flooring For Dancercise
Dancercise is an all-encompassing genre of exercise that is popular for people of all ages, and it combines dance and workout moves choreographed to music.

What's the Best Flooring for Hybrid Fitness Workouts?
Flooring for hybrid fitness exercises should provide plenty of versatility to match the various types of workouts.

Comparing Garage Gym Flooring - Rubber vs Foam & PVC
Greatmats compares garage gym flooring including rubber vs. foam and PVC flooring options.

Do You Need Dance Flooring for an Online Ballet Class?
Greatmats discusses if you need to use dance flooring for an online ballet class and what style of flooring you should use.

What Flooring Is Best For Jive Dance?
Greatmats identifies a few options that will work best for jive dance and upbeat, faster paced dancing.

How to make a bedroom basketball court flooring
If you're looking to build a home basketball court, then check out these basketball floor tiles.This basketball flooring is easy to install and durable. Read more now.

What is the Best Laminate Flooring?
If you're looking for the best reviewed laminate flooring options with a hardwood or grey weathered wood look, here are your top options.

What's The Best High Gloss Sheet Vinyl Flooring?
Greatmats identifies popular high gloss sheet vinyl flooring products for special events or permanent locations.

What Is The Best Artificial Field Hockey Turf?
Greatmats talks about the best artificial field hockey turf and how to choose the what product will work for you.

What Are The Average Dimensions Of A Turf T-Ball Field?
Greatmats discusses the average dimensions of a turf t-ball field and identifies multiple turf options.

What Are The Common Dimensions Of Turf Softball Fields?
Greatmats discusses the dimensions of turf softball fields that should be adhered to according to age variations.

Do You Need Special Flooring for Online Workout Classes?
Online workout classes are very popular these days, but do you need special flooring for these virtual classes?

What Are Waterhog Mats Good For?
Waterhog mats are used as doormats, entrance mats, runners and more. Find the perfect corporate, custom mat at Greatmats.

What is the best soundproof flooring for an apartment?
When creating a soundproof apartment floor, there are a number of noise reduction flooring options for apartments to consider such as underlayments and stand alone tiles.