Industrial Mats & Flooring

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Types of Industrial Flooring and Mats

Industrial flooring from Greatmats is the ideal option to use in demanding environments. We offer multiple options in terms of size, material, thickness, and texture, ensuring you can find just the right option for your needs. Many of our industrial safety floor mats are made in the USA, so you can trust the materials and construction quality.

Benefits of Industrial Flooring and Mats

You can use our industrial matting in a range of situations. Industrial work mats offer multiple benefits, delivering great value over their lifespans.
  • Durable enough to withstand heavy-duty traffic
  • Outstanding traction, even in damp conditions
  • Comfortable for standing, thanks to anti-fatigue properties
  • Resistance to harsh substances like oil and grease
  • Efficient drainage in wet areas, thanks to perforations
  • Specialty protection, such as with anti-static floor mat options

The versatility of our industrial safety mats helps you find just the right product for the use cases you have in mind.

Considerations for Purchasing an Industrial Floor Mat

Finding just the right industrial mat is easier when you ask yourself a few questions before making the purchase.
  • Foot traffic: Does the floor need to support a regular foot traffic pattern or a high level of overall foot traffic?
  • Moisture exposure: Is the area exposed to frequent dampness or the chance of standing water?
  • Solvents exposure: Is the area exposed to solvents, such as gasoline, oil, or grease, that could damage some materials?
  • Static electricity exposure: Do employees need to be able to reduce static discharge to provide protection for equipment?
  • Installation options: Do you have a desire for a DIY installation, or does your budget allow for a professional installation?
  • Desirable extra properties: Do you need traction and non-slip properties? Are anti-fatigue properties important? Do you have concerns over the ease of cleaning?
  • Material options: Do you need a particular type of material in the industrial flooring? Options include polypropylene, PVC and foam, PVC plastic, vinyl, rubber, rubber and foam, and vinyl-bonded foam.

Top Uses for Industrial Mats

Our industrial and commercial customers often are looking for three primary use cases for these floors.
  • Safety: Our mats and matching border ramp pieces can provide protection against static discharge, electric shock, slips, and trips.
  • Anti-fatigue: When employees must stand and work for long periods at a workstation, our floors can protect their lower body joints and muscles from aches and pains.
  • Dampness protection: In kitchens or factories with the potential for standing water or spilled liquids, our industrial flooring may have perforations to drain liquid and offer non-slip traction.

Industrial Flooring and Tiles Q&A

What types of anti-fatigue mats are used for industrial use?

Many times, our customers are looking for industrial anti-fatigue mats that offer a little bit of texture that helps encourage leg movement as people stand and work. They often also deliver resistance to dampness to maintain slip protection.

What are some top heavy-duty floor mats for industrial or commercial use?

The best heavy-duty industrial floor systems need to be able to withstand constant foot traffic and cart traffic. They also may need to survive exposure to solvents like grease and oil. Many options are extremely thick, so they can yield long-lasting performance. 

What is the best mechanical room flooring?

Mechanical room flooring needs to provide some baseline benefits, including resistance to moisture, water, chemicals, mold, bacteria, and mildew. It also should yield shock absorbency, noise reduction, and slip resistance.

What are the best high-visibility safety floor mats and industrial anti-fatigue mats?

Having a visual warning on the floor may be important in some industrial settings to protect against tripping over the lip of the mats. Having bright yellow stripes on high visibility safety floors is common, but some mats we offer use colors other than yellow to help you designate various working areas.

Are standing industrial floor mats worth it?

When someone must stand up to do a job for the entire day, it can be tough on the back, hips, knees, and ankles. Standing industrial mats will support the weight of the body in a comfortable fashion, will deliver excellent longevity, and will offer outstanding value in a range of size options.