What Dojo Flooring Is Most Resistant To Martial Arts Weapons?
Related Product: Cheerleading Mats 6x42 ft x 2 Inch Poly Flexible Roll
Although many martial arts mats are quite durable, carpet topped mats are the most puncture resistant, whereas EVA mats are the most susceptible to punctures. Vinyl covered mats are indeed quite durable and resistant to damage, but once damage occurs, they will suffer the most negative effects.
Whether your dojo or training facility uses swords or knives, or, if your martial artists are equipped with a sickle, kama, spear, halverd, Guandao, staff, stick, tonfa, nunchaku, bow, sai, or chain, you’ll want a flooring solution that can endure it all. The following 2 products from Greatmats can do just that:
- Cheerleading Mats 6x42 ft x 2 Inch Poly Flexible Roll
- Cheerleading Mats 6x42 ft x 1-3/8 Inch Flexible Roll
These mats are topped with a super durable carpeting that is made to withstand abuse and constant use. They are mats that can be rolled up when not in use, and they deliver a number of excellent features and benefits that add to their versatility and overall value.

These commercial grade mats are made in the USA and offer 252 square feet of coverage. Once unrolled, they stay in place without rolling back up.
Donny Thompson of AKF Family Martial Arts of Cartersville, Georgia has had great luck with these mats in his facility. Not only does he like how easy they are to clean with a vacuum and how well they hold up, he also likes the way they feel and perform. He explained, ''I like the feel, personally, of the mat itself under your feet. I was used to carpet on concrete, honestly, so it had that nice firm feeling, but when you hit the ground it's not like hitting the concrete. They're thick enough to be cushiony, but they're firm enough that you can do your techniques without sinking into the mat.''
Not only did Donny cut the mats to perfectly fit his space, he used the leftover pieces to wrap around the poles in the facility. He said, ''They work totally awesome for that. I used the straps that came with the original ones, and it worked. I was very pleased. They're thicker than a regular pole pad and so people can hit them harder.''

This flexible roll is manufactured to the highest quality assurance standards in the industry and will perform perfectly for years without looking worn or discolored. The top-notch foam used in these mats allows for constant pounding from throws and stunts without losing shape.
Greg Garves of the Hudson Martial Arts Academy uses these mats in his academy, and he couldn’t be more pleased with them. He said, “They have been fantastic. We also work with martial arts weapons, so there’s an occasional drop on the floor. We want something that is durable and is not going to puncture, and these [mats] hold up really well.”
The carpet topped gymnastics mats also exceed his expectations for good value, ease of cleanup, and ability to move around if needed. “It’s been a great experience working with Greatmats,” Garves said.
Greatmats - For The Best Mats That Will Withstand Use of Martial Arts Weapons
Greatmats offers a great variety of martial art mat varieties, but the two featured cheerleading mats are best suited for dojos using martial arts weapons. They are designed to endure a lot of use and abuse, and they are cushioned enough to offer protection for throwdowns and more.While carpet topped mats are the most resistant to punctures, there are times when puzzle mats fit the bill - for instance at tournaments or demonstrations. While these mats are more likely to suffer a puncture or scuff, it does not affect the performance of the flooring and will help protect and existing floor, such as a hardwood gym floor, from damage due to a dropped weapon.
Martial arts puzzle mats are are lightweight, versatile and easy to replace should severe damage occur. These makes them great for temporary or traveling matting systems.
If you need more information about the featured products, have questions, or need help with ordering, just reach out to the Greatmats’ team. Together, you can figure out which mat is the best one for your dojo and your needs.