Carpet Bonded Martial Arts Mats - Hudson Martial Arts Testimonial
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Owner and Head Instructor Greg Garves has been training in Kyuki-Do since 1982 where has earned the rank of 6th dan from the American Kyuki-Do Federation and opened seven schools throughout western Wisconsin, most of which are now operated by his former students. His interest in the martial arts began in his teenage years watching the original Kung Fu TV series.
“I wanted what that man portrayed,” Garves said. “I wanted the peace, the self confidence and the physical skills that he had.”
As a young adult, he found himself with the opportunity to begin his training and hasn’t looked back since.
At Hudson Martial Arts Academy, Garves says his staff works with students no matter where they are in their training to help them become the must fulfilled, highest level, self -actualized people that they can become.
Garves first became aware of Greatmats through his colleagues in the American Kyuki-Do Federation, which celebrated its 40th anniversary this year, and ordered his first set of Greatmats in 2011 for his Amery, Wisconsin school.At that time he opted for Greatmats' 1.5 inch thick Grappling MMA puzzle mats.

“We do Kyuki-Do, which is a blend of kicking and punching; we do grappling and throwing; so people are learning how to fall,” he said. “Those were very good for that location.”
However, when he moved his River Falls, Wisc., school to Hudson in 2017, he found himself with slightly different needs.
“We’ve got a lot of windows, and a lot of the windows face the north,” Garves said. “I wanted something that was going to be warmer in the winter months.”
Having had a good experience with carpet-bonded mats at his New Richmond, Wisc., location since 2006 and appreciating his Greatmats experience the first time around, he returned to Greatmats for some 1 3/8 inch thick carpet bonded martial art mats for his new school in Hudson.

“They have been fantastic,” Garves said of his new Greatmats carpet-bonded mats for Kyuki-do. “We also work with weapons, so there’s an occasional drop on the floor. We want something that is durable and is not going to puncture ... They hold up really well.”
The carpet topped mats also met his criteria for good value, ease of cleanup and ability to move around if needed.
“It’s been a great experience working with Greatmats,” Garves said.
Greg Garves
Hudson Martial Arts Academy
Hudson WI 54016