How Do I Keep My Playground Surface From Getting Hot?
Related Product: Blue Sky Rubber Playground Tile Colors 2.75 Inch x 2x2 Ft.
Hot Playgrounds: A Safety Threat
While falling is a huge concern on playgrounds, there are other less obvious ones that are also important to consider. Thermal burns is another big one. Despite common understanding, it is not just metal slides that can get hot enough to burn skin.Playground equipment, especially dark-colored surfaces, can cause thermal burns. Surfaces heat up when sitting in direct sunlight for long periods of time - even in mild weather. Playground flooring is the same. Concrete, asphalt, and dark-colored plastic, and rubber are particularly susceptible to reaching burnable temperatures.
Playground surfaces can burn any child, but children under two are the most susceptible. The younger the child, the more delicate their skin is and the easier it is to burn. Plus, reflexes do not kick in the same way as they do with older children, so a child may feel a burn but may not understand to remove himself/herself from the surface.
How to Prevent Playground Burns
There are several precautions that should always be taken when visiting the playground. First of all, it is also vital to be aware of weather conditions before taking kids to the playground, and parents should always check the temperature of equipment before letting kids loose on it.Second, many thermal burns occur on children's feet when they are running around barefoot. Thus, a child should always wear shoes when playing on the playground. Make sure children are dressed in appropriate clothing as well. The less skin that is showing, the less likely burns will occur.
There are a variety of other ways to protect a child from ground-related burns. Keeping playground tiles or playground rubber from getting hot in the first place is key. The following list provides ideas for maintaining a cool enough playground surface.
How to Maintain Cool Playground Surfaces
1) Use Light Colored Playground Flooring
If a playground is being set up in direct sunlight, consider using light colored playground tiles. Dark colors absorb more of the sun's energy, which translates to heat. Thus, the lighter the surface, the less heat the ground will absorb from sunlight. This is the reason people recommend wearing white on a hot day instead of dark colors. It is the same concept for playground surfaces too.

2) Choose a Perforated Tile

Staylock perforated tiles are another excellent way to keep surface temperatures down. With perforated tiles, air can flow throughout flooring, which helps keep things cooler. Plus, there is not as much surface area for the sun to heat up, so tiles simply do not get as hot.
Ergo Matta playground tiles are another excellent choice and come in an even greater range of light colors. Ergo Matta perforated tiles can be ordered in a myriad of colors including white, yellow, blue, and red. These are excellent for daycares and preschools where playground equipment isn't as tall.
3) Install In a Shaded Area

Because direct sunlight does more to create heat in playground equipment than the outside temperature, shade does wonders in keeping temperatures down on rubber playground flooring or artificial turf.
4) Build a Shade Structure for the Playground

Consider using umbrellas, canopies, awnings, pergolas, or shade sails to protect surfaces and equipment from direct sunlight. These are especially handy for hot, dry climates where there are not as many large, tall trees to provide natural sun protection. Make sure shad structures are made of appropriate shade fabric to protect against UV rays.
For More Help in Choosing Playground Flooring
If you need further guidance on creating a playground with the utmost safety, feel free to chat online or over the phone with a Greatmats representative. They can assist and support you in creating a playground environment that both kids and parents will be happy about.