Rubber Flooring For Dogs - Rehab and Training
By Created: January, 2018 - Modified: December, 2022
Related Product: Rubber Flooring Roll Geneva 1/4 Inch Regrind Per SF
The dog rehabilitation and training center uses rubber flooring in the training room for obedience classes as well as training puppies to get them ready for adoption. It also uses the room for rehabilitation animals who have had surgery, and a play area as well for animals to play if the weather outside is too crummy for them to play outside.
One of its animal care specialists said, ''I've trained on linoleum floors. I've trained on wood floors and with the animals that I've worked with in the past, they're always kind of slipping and sliding. They don't always have control of themselves, but on that rubber mat it just kind of keeps them nice and stable. They don't have to be worrying about what the floor is going to do - if the floor is going to slip out underneath them. They're going to stay nice and stay put.
''Cleaning is super easy, we mop in there a couple of times a week and just one easy swipe gets rid of all the mess. It's really easy to sweep as well Even if the dogs have accidents, it's really easy to clean up with some paper towels and stuff. It doesn't leave any residue or any paper towel mess on there.''
The Babinski Foundation building is 26,000 square feet.
Babinski Foundation
Pequot Lakes Minnesota 56472