Elite Fine Arts Academy llc - Pt. Charlotte, Florida
Related Product: Rosco Adagio Marley Full Roll 5.25 Ft. x 101 Ft.

My name is Trudy Weaver Fuller and I am the owner and director of Elite Fine Arts Academy llc in Port Charlotte, Florida!
Every year Elite participates in many community and annual events. We are a really big group with 32 girls in our performing company. We also have over 200 students that we pack on stage for our end of season showcase! I would love to have dance flooring to take with us to these events!
Sometimes our dancers are put at risk for injury because of the surface that is available to dance on! Even our Local Community Theaters do not have a proper dance floor covering that will provide safe and slip that we need! It would be so awesome to give the same dance surface that our students are used to in their studio class rooms...on stage! They would be better able to 'really' dance with out fear of slipping or being injured! We also have started a special Acrobatics program and are in need of more mats and more Acro equipment! As you know 'marley' type flooring and acrobatic equipment are super expensive and we cannot afford this luxury in our small business budget!
Thank you for having this contest!
Learn more about Greatmats $1000 Giveaway: Dance Studio Edition.
Trudy Weaver, Owner/Director
Elite Fine Arts Academy llc
Pt. Charlotte FL 33948