How to Use The Virtual Room Visualizer Tool
Easy to Use Room Visualizer
The room visualizer tool is so easy to use, and it can be found on select product pages. You’d visit that product page on and scroll down to find the blue button that reads, “View In My Room.” After clicking on that option, a new window will open with the option to either upload your own photo or use one of the demo rooms.When you upload your own photo, you will see the original flooring was replaced with the product you’re viewing. You will see the options to Rotate Surface, Change Room or you can choose a different product. This will allow you to select a different flooring option the Greatmats offers. You can experiment with various colors and patterns to achieve the exact look you’re going for. The room visualizer really allows for you to see how the tile you’re considering will look in reality!
Take your time and play around with the room visualizer until you get it just how you want it to look. Once you are happy with your design, you may choose to “view details” from the top right corner of the screen (or Go to product page), and you will be taken back to the product page where you may add the specific product into your shopping cart. Or, you may choose to “Save” your work, or, “Share” it via social media, email, or, by capturing the link to your room visualizer image.
Virtual Room Flooring Designer for Commercial Spaces
The virtual room designer also works great to visualize a dance floor. Perhaps you’re ready to upgrade your studio to a Rosco Adagio Marley floor, but you want to see how it will look in your space before making the investment. Well, simply view the product page, scroll down to “See My Room View with this Product”. You will then upload a picture of your studio and view it with the desired flooring! You will have the option to then save your work or share it! Keep in mind, in the case of rolled flooring that the rolls are necessarily viewed to scale and may appear as tiles. These should be used mainly for color purposes.Perhaps, you have a gym or training facility, and you are considering the addition of grappling MMA mats to your existing base floor. The room visualizer works with this scenario, as well. Simply follow the same steps described above and view the mats in your training space – with the ability to rotate the flooring, switch out colors, return to the product page, save it for later, or share with your friends! For interlocking puzzle mats, you again may not see the puzzle edges of the tile, but it will help you see how the color and texture of the mats will work in your space.
The room visualizer tool on is truly a design lifesaver.
You can literally redesign each room of your home or business by picking out perfect flooring options to fit your unique space. Whether tile, roll, Marley floor, MMA mats or other flooring options are what you’re considering, the virtual room designer allows you to feel confident in the color and product choice you decide on, because you have actually seen what it will look like – before you even purchase it. To ensure you get the best visual of your room, simply take several photos of the room, and complete the upload process a few times. This way, you will be able to view the flooring from different angles. If you’re having trouble deciding on a color or pattern, complete the room visualizer process a few times with the same picture, and save them to view them side by side!