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How To Connect Staylock Tiles - Methods and Troubleshooting

Date Published: 12-08 - 2021

Shop Staylock Floor Tiles Now: https://www.greatmats.com/fatigue-flooring/fatigue-tiles-staylockbump-black.php or call 877-822-6622 for live service!

The beautiful part about Greatmats Staylock Tiles is that they will hold tightly together in virtually any environment. And while they do not require special tools to connect the tiles together, no single method works best for everyone.

The smooth and flexible PVC material is soft enough to use your bare hands to do all of the work.

The harder the surface you install over, the easier the process will be.

If your hands or fingers aren’t strong enough, you may want to try your feet - with or without shoes.

If you plan to use your hand or foot to connect the tiles, keep in mind that a lateral rocking motion helps slip the barbed tabs into the loops easier than using a straight-down pushing motion.

Should you struggle to figure out that rocking motion, a mallet can be used for connecting the tiles. In which case, you’ll still want to work in a sweeping motion across the seam.

Install these tiles over everything from concrete to carpet.

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Plastic Flooring Buyers Guide