Cheerleading Giveaway Entry - Boone Grove Middle School
We are so excited about your ''Cheerleading Giveaway''!! It couldn't have come at a better time!!
Our Middle School Cheer squad just received permission from our Athletic Director to raise money to purchase mats. We are from a small school in the middle of farm country, and have worked hard to grow our Cheer Program in the last 5 years since I began coaching.
However, since we are in the middle of farm country, we don't have the benefit of large industry and big business to bring great tax money toward our school and it's needs. Don't get me wrong, Boone Grove is a great school, with an amazing supportive community, and hard-working, good kids!
These kids learn how to succeed, with much less than most schools have. Our middle school cheerleaders do not have cheer mats. After 5 years, I was able to get 2 cheer mats brought over to the middle school for our use. Most often, though, to be able to get a full floor, we share the wrestling mats with the wrestling team. All of our teams get practice time, but it takes a lot of sharing, and making do with the space you are provided.
Our cheer team practices in the cafeteria. During wrestling season, we share the space for many of our practices with the wrestling team. When this is the case, we no longer have the wrestling mats available to us for use, so we then practice on the 2 mats that were provided for us from the high school this year. Our girls have succeeded with very little resources to practice on and with.
Each year our competition squad improves more, and has raised through the ranks in their division receiving many Division Championship titles. We have filled a trophy case, decorated a bulletin case, and hung enough banners to cover an entire wall. We are proud of our achievements, but I would like to provide the girls the proper mats to practice on, with hopes to progress them further.
As far as how our athletic programs would use the other mats or money, the possibilities are endless. Many teams are in the same situation that the cheer program is, and could use equipment for their sports. Our school athletic program would do nothing but benefit in a great way from this Giveaway, and be beyond appreciative for what we may receive!
Lori Jones
Head Cheer Coach - Middle School
Boone Grove Middle School

Lori Jones
Boone Grove Middle School
Boone Grove IN 46302