Home / Dance Studio Flooring Buyers Guide / Ballet Co. Laboratory Testimonial - Rosco Reversible Marley Dance Flooring

Ballet Co. Laboratory Testimonial - Rosco Reversible Marley Dance Flooring

Date Published: 02-06 - 2021

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In the words of St. Paul Minnesota's Ballet Co. Laboratory founder and artistic Director Zoe Emilie Henrot, here's how she feels about her Greatmats experience.

"Welcome. My name is Zoe Emilie Henrot and I am the founder and artistic director of Ballet Co. Laboratory located in St. Paul Minnesota. I founded Ballet Co. Laboratory in 2018 as both a professional school and a company. We have been working on reimagining ballet and bringing them to different stages such as proscenium theatres as well as outdoor venues and even making ballets for film

Dance flooring can be really specific and for ballet especially classical ballet and pointe work, marley is the best floor for our type of dancing.

I have been working with Greatmats for several years now because they’re located really close to the twin cities. And they always have the products that I’m looking for.

We decided to get reversible marley so there’s a gray side and a black side. That way we can have the gray side in the studio and it’s nice and bright. But then when we tour we can roll up the marley and then use the black side for stage.

I like the fact that when I dance on marley I feel secure. I trust that the marley is going to be there for me, especially in pointe shoes that are wrapped in satin. Dancing on something that is more hardwood floor or lacquered can be quite scary as a dancer. So marley is one of the most essential tools in a dance studio.

I’ve been an artistic director role in the twin cities for the last eight years and two years ago, decided it was time to found ballet co laboratory and I’ve been really grateful to work with Greatmats and other wonderful collaborators to make this dream a reality."

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Dance Studio Flooring Buyers Guide